
Dariganga Bird Ringing Station was established in 2018 and became the second bird ringing station in Mongolia.
Our main goal is to study migratory birds at the stop over site in south eastern Mongolia based on long term monitoring. Threatened, less known and locally breeding species are our targets. Also we are paying attention to give knowledge about bird conservation for locale people.
The study area is well known and important stop over site for migratory birds. It is selected as a Ramsar site, Important Bird Area (MN064), East Asia Flyway Site and included in the area of Dariganga national park as well.
Our station located south eastern Mongolia (N 45.25430; E 114.03397), close to Dariganga town, 760 km from Ulaanbaatar city. 
Around the ringing station by drone. photo: Susan Kollhoff
Location of the ringing station.


  1. Great! I have visit the 1e ringing station of Mongolia, it was a great place, can you tell me where in Mongolia is your station? Is it far from Ulanbaatar?

    1. Thank you for visit. Our station is located south east of Mongolia, near of Mongolia and Chinese border. 760 kilometer from UB.
